Certifications and Awards

Certified Credentials

We take pride in holding several recognized certifications in the trading industry. These certifications reflect our commitment to providing high-quality services and maintaining high professional standards.

  • International Trading Foundation (IFT) Certification
  • Certified Trading Analyst (CTA) Certification
  • Certified Technical Analyst (CMT) Certification
  • Certified Financial Market Analyst (CMA) Certification
  • Certified Options Analyst (COA) Certification


We are honored to have received several prestigious awards in recognition of our efforts in delivering outstanding trading experience and excellent customer service.

Best Trading Broker Award 2007

Excellence in Financial Innovation Award 2016

Best Trading Platform Award 2019

Best Customer Service Award 2022

Best Financial Market Analysis Award 2023

Open Trading Account

Benefit from our exceptional services and unique trading experience through the Evie Trade platform. Open a trading account now to take advantage of the best opportunities in the global financial markets.